Jorge Noel Y. Wieneke
Business Conceptualization – develops and creates business concepts for start-up Clients
Franchising – develops franchise programs and systems for clients
Professor and Mentor – dedicated to mentoring aspiring entrepreneurs to fulfill their dreams. He guides his mentees to their entrepreneurial journey
Coach and an MSME Advocate – Ambassador and advocate of building a country of entrepreneurs, leading towards
and “Entrepvolution”
A creative serial entrepreneur is best known for being the originator of the Potato Corner concept. An Agora Awardee for Outstanding Achievement for Small Enterprise for his Tokyo Tempura business, Jorge shares his entrepreneurship journey with the aim of inspiring, educating, and helping others grow their businesses. He was awarded the WE Award for Purposeful Entrepreneurship for his dedication to helping the MicroSmall and Medium Enterprise. A founding member of the Association of the Filipino Franchisors, Inc. where he currently sits as President. In the Academe, Jorge serves as Program Director for Entrepreneurship at the Professional Academy for Culinary Education and Faculty and Program Director for Franchise Management, Retail Management at the Ateneo Center for Continuous Education. A long-standing GoNegosyo Angelpreneur and sought-after Entrepreneurship Speaker.