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Jennifer Wieneke

Jenny Wieneke_
Tuesdays & Wednesdays (10:00 AM - 12:00 NN). Email us at or click the following link to reserve a slot.

Educator, Entrepreneur, Marketer

An advertising expert with over 30 years of experience building and handling multinational and local brands. Jenny has been at the forefront of advertising industry leadership as the President, Vice-President, and Corporate Secretary and Board Director of the Association of Accredited Advertising Agencies of the Phil (4As) and Board Member of the Ad Standards Council (ASC) through the years. A PCE-GoNegosyo mentor since 2015, she has been going around the country teaching micro-entrepreneurs the basics of Marketing. A Board Member of the country’s very first Design Advisory Council representing the private sector. Jenny is also a lecturer at the University of Asia and the Pacific on Brand Activation and Advertising Management. She is now the Chief Marketing Officer and CFO of JWien Food Corp-Tokyo Tempura.

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